During the Summer 2019 Season, the Denver Women’s Hockey League (DWHL) piloted a new sign-up process for subbing, known as the “Early Sign-up Process.” After a successful trial period, the DWHL Board of Directors (Board) implemented it for all future seasons.
This Update is intended to provide information on the current policy and procedures for subbing with the DWHL.
Subbing Rules
General Policy
The DWHL allows subbing during all regular season games as long as space is available on the roster of any in-house team. Subbing is not allowed during playoffs absent exigent circumstances and at the Board’s discretion. A roster is considered full when a team has 13 skaters and 1 goalie.*
Rostered players can sub in any regular season game within their registered division when their team is not playing at no additional fee.
Sub-only players can sub in any regular season game within their registered division for a cost per game to be determined by the Board and subject to change at the Board’s discretion.
Goalies can sub in any game at no additional fee - including playoff games, subject to Board approval. Goalies can also sub up to a higher division as a goalie in the instance that no other goalie is available.
USA Hockey Registration
All players, including subs, are required to have a current USA Hockey registration that has been verified by the DWHL.
When a player registers for a season, either on a team or as a sub, the DWHL will verify their USA Hockey registration. Players who are not sure if their USA Hockey registration is valid and has been verified by the league, should contact the Board at Failure to comply with this requirement can result in individual and team forfeits or bans, as USA Hockey may deny insurance coverage if just one player on the ice has not been verified by the DWHL.
Division Levels
Players can sub within the same level/division that they are registered in for the season. Goalies who choose to skate out as a sub should register as a skating out sub at the appropriate division to match their skating ability. In general, the summer season division levels are Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced and the fall and spring season division levels are Recreational and Competitive. A player can only sub at a different level than their registered division at the invitation and with the approval of the Board. Coaches may recommend players to the Board for subbing up or down, but cannot grant permission.
Availability Updates
Rostered Players - The DWHL uses TeamSnap’s availability feature to determine player availability for each game. If a rostered player does not mark their availability as “yes” in TeamSnap at least 24 hours prior to the game, their spot may be forfeited to a sub. If a player is not able to attend a game at the last minute, please email or directly contact the Division Directors.
Sub Sign-Up Instructions
Every season, the DWHL will send out a registration link for anyone interested in subbing. There is no cost associated with registering to be a sub. The cost of subbing will be determined prior to each season and is subject to change at the Board’s discretion.
Approximately 24 hours before each game, the DWHL will send out an email via TeamSnap to all eligible players with a link. A subbing player should bring a white and black jersey and must check-in at the rink at least 20 minutes prior to listed game time. Upon arrival, a DWHL Board member or individual designated by the DWHL to assist with check-in will assign the sub player to a team.
Revocation Of Subbing Privileges
The Board reserves the right to revoke a member’s privilege to sub. The following are some of the scenarios in which the Board may revoke subbing privileges for a rostered or sub-only player.
3 Strike Rule
When a player signs up to sub, they are required to attend the game, unless special circumstances arise. In the case of an unforeseen circumstance, the player must email as soon as possible to let the Board know they cannot attend. In the instance of a no-show or last minute cancellation, the Board will provide the player with a formal notification of the infraction. If a player receives 3 infraction notifications, they will not be allowed to sub in any future games for the remainder of the season. There are no refunds for a sub-only player that does not show up to a game or cannot attend at the last minute.
Outstanding Balance. A player cannot sub if they owe $150 or more in unpaid invoices to the DWHL.
In-Game Suspension. A player that receives an in-game suspension cannot sub until their suspension has been served.
Please send any questions, feedback, or concerns to the Board at