Registration is now open for the Fall 2024 Season!

Please excuse our accelerated timeline for registration. We are simply running behind on getting everything situated as a volunteer board with lots on our plates. Full details can be found below but long story short, ice times will be Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays with REGISTRATION CLOSING at 11:59pm on September 9th

Our mission is to provide an environment in which women can play hockey free from all forms of harassment or discrimination and which encourages fair play, openness and friendship. We also provide a competitive and social atmosphere which promotes the growth of leadership, coaching, and skill development.

Season Details

The season will run from the end of September to the end of December. We will skip around Thanksgiving and ideally be done before Christmas and New Years. We offer 2 Divisions, Recreational and Competitive with 4-6 teams in each. The Recreational division has 8 games and 2 practices plus single elimination playoffs at the end of the season. The Competitive division has 10 games plus single elimination playoffs at the end of the season.  Each team plays approximately once a week.  

Division Details


This division is a combination of our Novice division and low Intermediate division players. It is the perfect division for women just starting their hockey journey, with less hockey experience, or are not yet ready for the level of play in the competitive division, interested in a slower, less competitive game. Some players may not be able to skate backwards, have limited stick handling, and shooting skills. While others may be able to skate backwards, can control and maintain the puck for longer periods of time, pass with greater accuracy, and shoot. Some players will have limited positional skills, while others may understand positioning and basic plays but cannot always execute them. This division is mainly made up of women that are WACH D and Low WACH C Players.

Each team will have 1-2 coaches to help players improve their game.

Teams will be drafted by the board and depending on registration, full season roster sizes will be 10-13 players to help curb teams not having enough players for playoffs. When subs are needed, the DWHL will do its best to fill benches to 13 players. 


This division is a combination of high Intermediate division players and Advanced division players. It is the perfect division for more experienced skaters, ready for a faster, more competitive game.  Players will typically have medium or higher level skating, stick handling, shooting, passing, and positioning skills. This division will have the fastest games, the most competitive style of play, and highest skilled players of both divisions. This division is mainly made up of women that are High WACH C, WACH B, and WACH A players.

Teams will be drafted by the board and depending on registration, full season roster sizes will be 10-13 players to help curb teams not having enough players for playoffs. When subs are needed, the DWHL will do its best to fill benches to 10 players. 


During the Fall season with only two divisions players will see the greatest disparity in skill set across their division. Do not let this discourage you! It is a great time for the higher skilled players in each division to practice a specific skill while the game is at a slightly slower pace than they may typically be used to. Lower level players tend to get a little bit more of a challenge and are able to learn and grow from playing with and learning from the more skilled players on their team. 

Both divisions will have a ringer rule this season. A single player can only score 3 goals in one game. 

If you are unsure which division to sign up for there are  few things you can do. 

  • Novice players please ask your coaches.

  • Intermediate players please reach out to players on your team that have played in DWHL previously.

In the end make your best judgment call and register for the division you feel most comfortable with. If the board has concerns they will make any necessary adjustments when drafting teams. 


If you are interested in playing this Fall, but are unable to commit to a team you can register as a sub only player. Skater subs are required to register for a specified division (Recreational or Competitive). Skater subs are put in a group on TeamSnap based on which division they register for. When teams are in need of skater subs a registration link will be sent to the corresponding division and go live at 12:00 pm the day of the game. Subs pay a $25 per game fee. Subs will then be assigned to teams at check-in.

Goalie subs will be put in one group on a TeamSnap team, regardless of which division you register for. Goalies then communicate amongst themselves to find subs for each other when needed. Goalie subs do NOT pay a per game fee. 

Important Details & Deadlines

  • Registration and Payment Deadline is September 4th at 11:59pm for Early Bird and September 9th at 11:59pm for Regular Registration.

  • In order to properly draft teams we have a NO EXCEPTION rule to our registration deadline.

  • Season is estimated to begin the week of September 22nd and end the week of December 16.

  • Playoffs will begin in Early/Mid December and finish Mid December or Early January if necessary.

  • 10 sessions 

  • Recreational (8 regular season games, 2 practices, AND at least 1 playoff game per team)

    1. Competitive (10 regular season games AND at least 1 playoff game per team)

  • $285 per skater, includes free subbing with other in-house teams when space is available.  Early Bird registration is $265.

  • No charge for goalies - if too many goalies register, we will work with the goalie group on an individual basis. 

  • The DWHL Board reserves the right to move any player to another division if we feel that they are not in the appropriate division, in order to maintain the safety of all players.

Game Structure

  • 1st and 2nd Period are 15 minutes run clock, with the last 1 minute of the period being stop clock

  • 3rd Period is 12 minute stop clock

Ice Times and Scheduling

Ice is currently scheduled as follows

  • Sunday | Sports Stable | 9:35pm start time 

  • Tuesday | Sports Stable | 9:20pm and 10:30pm start times 

  • Wednesday | Apex Ice Arena | 10:30pm start time

  • Thursday | Apex Ice Arena | 9:15pm and 10:30pm start times

Our scheduler does her best to balance days of the week and start times for all teams. However, an exact split of “early” ice times games on the different days of the week is not guaranteed. There are many factors that go into building out the season schedule. Please keep the ice times in mind when registering as DWHL has a NO REFUND policy. 

Why are ice times so late?

We are competing for ice with youth leagues, other adult leagues, figure skating clubs and public skates.  From September into March, youth hockey is in full swing and takes all the ice slots available until 9pm or later. This means that we have to play later.  Many adult leagues that run out of rinks have expressed a growth spurt, just like us, so slots continue to become more and more limited.|


Are you sold and ready to register? REGISTER NOW, so you don’t miss the deadline!

Full Time Team Member Registration 

Early Bird Deadline September 4 at 11:59pm and Registration Closes September 9 at 11:59pm. In order to properly draft teams we have a NO EXCEPTION rule to our registration deadline.

Sub Registration

Open all season!

DWHL Jerseys, Socks, and Swag

Jerseys and Socks

Have you seen your teammates, friends, or other players wearing a DWHL jersey with their name and number on it and matching socks? Have you been wondering how you can get one for yourself? Well the wait is over! We have worked with Bring Hockey Back to keep our order form live and active throughout the year! 

To order you will order directly from Bring Hockey Back and your order will be shipped directly to you. 

  • Socks cost $20/pair

  • Jerseys cost $42/each

  • After paying for your jersey order, you must email Bring Hockey Back with your size, name you want on your jersey, & jersey number at BHBHELP@HOTMAIL.COM.

    1. Example: "Hey BHB, I'm from DWHL and I'd like a Small, BROWN, 12 for both jerseys."

    2. Pro Tip: Review the sizing charts carefully (especially goalies) and include any custom sizing adjustments in your email to them directly

We do not have a restriction on numbers or names so order what makes you happy. The only limitation is that your number can't be more than 2 digits in length. 

Please note, DWHL jerseys are not required to participate in league games/events. It is also not required that you're actively playing in the league to order one. Feel free to get one for your #1 Fan if you want.

Order Here: Jersey and Sock Order Form


Do you want to show your support for DWHL even when you’re not on the ice? Does your #1 Fan want a sweatshirt, hat, scarf, or blanket to keep them warm while they cheer you on? You can find all that and more at our DWHL Store!